my love
I'm sorry I've already lanmngggee nciht more gespostet good but this weekend is what tollles!
I've already e erwähhnt something about stamping nail comes to ncih soon a post: D. and dire times have you set a de chance to win, I'll also take part.

The set consists of the machine with 6 templates. Each template has 9 different Templates ... flowers, dogs, Hello Kitty, cats, samples, etc. In addition there are 6 nail varnish and a clear coat.
video how to do it!
as a prize for the 2nd then I have 5 x Nails Tickers (per 30 pieces) and for the 3rd 4 x Tickers Nails (per 30 pieces).

Participants must be the regular reader and has a blog.
write about this contest and posting me the link with your readers with a comment.
All this runs for a week, ie until 05.13.2010.
Have fun! :)
much glückkk wünsc I you and me:-D regularity WILL IGER LESSER BITTTTEE
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