Thursday, April 29, 2010

Installing A Curtain To Window Frame



How many times a day you wash your face?
1-2 times.

What skin type are you?
combination skin. The famous T-zone is oily very quickly.

What do you cleanse your face?
the gesciht laucra of water and sometimes the purely supply of laucra me.

Do you use a scrub?

Do you have freckles?

Do you use eye cream?

you tend to acne?

cuffs Caler vanilla face: D
ncoh BUT in the other test you hear what ncoh

and concealer?
maybelinn ever fresch conceler <333

You know the undertone of your skin?
No. vill.
How do you find false eyelashes?
not for everyday but great for special occasions. Unfortunately I can not at stalking them.

How often you change your mascara?
I test MCIH from you: D

What mascara do you use?
test, I listened more ncoh

perfumery or MAC?
parüneri mac I sit too expensive

What utensils do you use for makeup?
Pinnsel, cotton swabs, eyelash curler

Do you use primer / Bases?
yes but only for eyeshadow

What is your favorite eye shadow?
the Casull 12 pallete I hear they are still wa liiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeebbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeee:: DDD <33333333
eyeliner, gel or liquid liner?
Kajal. With liquid liner around, I can not gel I've tried it before.

What do you think of pigments?
I do not

Do you use mineral makeup?

Which lipstick do you use most often?
keien I like lippenstiiffte

What is your absolute lip bad buy?

Rouge What's your favorite?

Do you buy your make-up on e-Bay?
rarely or never

do you like drugstore makeup?

Have you ever thought about a make-up artist training?

you do rather loud or subtle colors in a make-up?

If you must leave your house with only one utensil, what would it be?
meien mascara

Could you ever leave the house without make-up?

Can you feel free of packaging seduce?

What is your opinion, the best company?
I tested too few marks to assess the

What do you think of make-up?
Why did not need umbedingt


How often do you wash your hair? 2-3 times a week

Do you use hair dryer, curling iron or flat iron?
I have strong natural lure sometimes smoothing cih me Förner and yes

What's your favorite hair products?

What color hair would you never want to try?
red and correct black

hairdresser or even shredded?
Frieseur sometimes even pony

Can You Grind At A Military Ball

essence color & go No.22

Hello my friends
lnage keien I already have time to post longer had what. it do me sorry.
today ESUM the first nagellck is no. 22 what do u think.
the nail polish dries Zawr not as it is dreuf, he needs a little longer but tocknet uahc relatively quickly. unfortunately, at minem weeks after the eingigen konsetstest much as says to creamy so the nciht more so fluid. this makes the very very difficult lackeirn. da wench is only 5 ml of nagelck also lergegangen quickly as it had on it several Schit make. but the color really wow *-* the lieeeeeeebe up such a coral orange without shimmer. can
it undddd wrift fats keien pale for 1.25 euro, I think we expect more nciht.
think what her about the paint or varnishes ave the essence color and go. I ask the clerks.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Can I Get A Pimple In My Nostril?

lottery want to win raffle cih 'D

Hello dear ones,

would I hereby give my lottery known at the cracked 10-mark-reader!
It's really unbelievable that follow my blog readers already 13 and there gambling and love myself like to make gifts, I want you now to give something back! :)

something? Yes, this "something" are two small packages I've put together yourself ... they look like:

Set 1 - Set the Blogger:


The set include:
  • 1 pair artificial, full lashes including adhesive
  • 1 Pigment filling MAC Old Gold
  • rich a p2 nail lacquer in & royal
  • 1 p2 Pure Color Lipstick in the color of your choice
  • 1 China Glaze Nail Polish Re-fresh Mint

Set 2 - the "Reader's Set":

are included in the set:
  • a pair of artificial, full lashes
  • a sample of Biotherm Sunfitness (Self)
  • a nail polish of the new brand in MNY 009A (LE)
  • 1 P2 Pure Color Lipstick in the color of your choice

This win-win you can - the conditions for participation: be

  1. You have readers of my blog. Also new readers are welcome - simply log on to Google Friend Connect and the "Track" button on!
  2. Everyone may enter once per set!
  3. Deadline for entries is 02.05.2010, 23:59!
  4. Out Lost will win with the known pieces of paper Method ;-)
To Set 1, reported on your blog about my contest and writes me a comment with your link below this article. to win

To Set 2, comment on this article and answer the following question: What is your favorite make-up aftermarket product? Since when do you use it, why and how often you've already bought later?

people so even if non keien still regal, äßigen readers wnenn have you ever passes on meien blog Danns chaut also times when you passed it's worth themselves. it is Bolg TOLL!
is my paw to get you to
nice Greetings

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bios 20kt29aus Update

will regularly Please readers, it is free

meien hey love
if you blog on meien Regular readers will please come. it's free!

Emich I would appreciate very much ... so please bittee

liebeee grüßeee